How to Plant a Container-Grown Tree



  1. Make sure that the container compost is thoroughly moist - if necessary, stand the pot in water for half an hour.
  2. Prepare the site.
  3. Drive the stake into the planting hole, so that it is just off-centre and on the windward side.
  4. Remove the tree from its container; lay it on its side and gently slide it away from the pot, taking care not to damage the roots. You may find that you need to cut the container away.
  5. Loosen the roots gently to encourage them to grow into the surrounding soil; use your fingers or a hand fork, taking care not to break up the root ball.
  6. Trim any damaged roots with secateurs.
  7. Remove any weeds from the compost.
  8. Hold the tree in place next to the stake so that you can check the correct planting depth.
  9. Lay a cane across the hole and make sure that the soil mark (a dark mark near the base of the stem indicating the tree's previous soil level) is level with the cane. Adjust the depth by adding or removing soil.
  10. Before backfilling the hole, spread out the roots around the stake, then gradually add the soil in stages, firming in the soil around the roots of the tree to remove any air pockets.
  11. Finish off the surface by lightly forking it over and watering it well.
  12. Remove any damaged stems, long side shoots and lower feathers.
  13. Secure the tree to the stake with one or more ties.
  14. Apply a 5-7 cm (2-3 in) mulch around the tree to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.