How to Plant a Bare-Root Tree


  1. Prepare the site.
  2. Dig a hole deep enough and wide enough to contain the tree's roots easily, and without any restriction.
  3. Trim back any damaged roots to healthy growth.
  4. If using a stake, hammer it in just off-centre of the planting hole (on the windward side). The stake should be no higher than a third of the tree's height.
  5. Lay a cane across the hole to indicate the soil surface. Place the tree into the hole and position it so that the darker soil line on the stem (showing the depth it was planted at the nursery) is level with the cane.
  6. Spread out the tree's roots, and then partially fill the hole, shaking the soil down between the roots.
  7. Gently shake the stem up and down to settle the soil around the roots.
  8. Continue filling the hole, firming the backfilled soil in stages. Take care not to damage the roots.
  9. When the hole is filled, tread the soil down firmly, then water well and mulch the area around it to conserve moisture.
  10. Secure your tree to the stake using tree ties. Check the ties regularly, and loosen them as the trunk expands.