Winter Care for Half Hardy Perennials

Some half-hardy perennials such as pelargoniums and less hardy fuchsias can be kept year after year, but must be protected from frost during the winter months. The best way to do this is to keep them in a greenhouse or conservatory, but anywhere light, frost-free but cool (such as a porch) will also work well.


  1. Dig up the plants in autumn when they have become dormant, and pot them up using a good potting compost.
  2. Cut the top growth of these plants (and any others already in containers) back to within about 15 cm (6 in) and remove any remaining dying leaves.
  3. Store the pots over the winter in a light place at 7°C. Keep the soil barely moist during this time - fairly dry, but not bone-dry.
  4. In spring, start to water the plants so they will grow again and feed with a general liquid fertilizer.
  5. Re-plant when the soil has begum to warm up and all danger of frost has passed.