Renovating Your Lawn


If you've inherited a neglected, patchy lawn - don't worry. Unless the grass has been totally overrun with weeds and moss, it may be much easier to renovate it rather than removing the turf and establishing a new lawn.


  1. Cut the grass in early spring to about 5 cm (2 in) using a rotary mower. Remove any clippings. If your grass is really long, you may have to do this in stages - try not to remove more than a third of the grass length at any one time.
  2. After a week, mow again, using a cylinder mower set to its highest cut.
  3. Gradually reduce the height of the blades over the next few weeks until you reach the height required for your style of lawn.
  4. Feed the lawn with a granular or liquid fertilizer.
  5. A fortnight after feeding the lawn, apply a weedkiller, or dig weeds out using either a lawn weeding tool or an old kitchen knife.
  6. Any bare or uneven patches that emerge as the restoration proceeds may now be reseeded.
  7. At the beginning of autumn, aerate the lawn, top-dress and apply an autumn feed.
  8. Follow the regular maintenance programme as described in spring, summer, autumn and winter lawn maintenance.

Start any renovation in spring if possible, as the grass will grow well during spring and summer and be firmly established by the end of the season.