Planting Your Vegetable Garden

The majority of the vegetables can be raised from seed; cool-season crops are often sown directly into the open soil, whilst tender, warm-season vegetables may be raised in a greenhouse or cold frame and transplanted to their final position when the soil and weather conditions have warmed sufficiently.

In this section, we look at the different methods of sowing seeds, with advice on thinning seedlings and planting out crops into the vegetable bed.

Choosing Seeds
How to choose vegetable seeds for planting out into the garden ...
Sowing Inside
Advice on sowing, growing, pricking out and hardening off young vegetable seedlings ...
Sowing Outside
Find out how to prepare the soil before you sow vegetable seeds, with tips on drill and broadcast sowing ...
Planting Out
Transplanting seedlings grown indoors or in a seedbed to their final position in the vegetable garden ...