The Organic Vegetable Garden


Interest in organic gardening has blossomed in the last few years. The idea of using as few manufactured chemicals as possible is something that appeals to many gardeners, especially those who grow fruit and vegetable crops for eating. Although going organic may mean that you have to sacrifice glossy supermarket looks for better tasting crops, most people think this is a price worth paying.

The broad philosophy behind organic methods is to take a holistic view of gardening. This naturally takes into account:

  • Conserving natural resources.
  • Avoiding pollution and health hazards.
  • The interdependence of all life forms in your garden.
  • Establishment of a balanced ecological habitat for plants, animals and humans.

In this section, we discuss the first principles of creating an organic vegetable garden.

Rotation of Crops
Rotating your vegetable crops on a yearly basis can reduce the incidence of pests and diseases ...
Organic Soil Cultivation
Using the organically-friendly 'no-dig' and 'deep-bed' systems of soil cultivation ...
Keeping Plants Healthy
Some tips and tricks to deter pests and to maintain your plants' health ...
Green Manures
Grow crops specifically designed to return nutrients to bare soil that is being rested from planting ...