Companion Planting


Companion planting focuses on the idea that certain plants can benefit others when planted close by, by either enhancing growth or by improving general plant health. Herbs are often central to companion planting arrangement, which may be due to a number of reasons:

  • Some herbs attract beneficial insects that act as valuable pollinators.
  • Some attract beneficial insects that acts as predators to harmful insects.
  • Some attract pests, thus drawing them away from the main crop.
  • Some repel harmful insects and other pests.

In this section, we take a look at some of the herbs that may be grown alongside other herbs and plants to provide positive effects, as well as those combinations that should be avoided. We also discover the herbs that may be used to attract pollinators or repel unwanted pests.

Increasing Crop Yield
Find out which herbs to plants and which to avoid to improve the health and vigour of the rest of your garden ...
Pollinators & Pests
Attracting birds, bees and butterflies to the garden and repelling pests such as aphids, slugs and ants ...