Garden Trellis Facts

  • Trellis screens can be invaluable for disguising the dull or functional areas of a garden.
  • When buying trellis, make sure it has been pressure-treated, and that any sawn ends have been treated with a wood preservative.
  • Basic trellis is made in a diamond or squared pattern from substantial slats that will give years of service if properly treated with a non-toxic wood preservative. Other designs are available that provide greater visual interest, such as those using wider slats of 100 mm (4 in), set horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
  • For a free-standing screen, heavy duty trellis is essential, especially if it is to support vigorous climbers: the timber frame should be at least 2.5cm (1 in) in section. However, if the trellis is to be used to extend the height of a fence or wall, a lighter weight may be acceptable.
  • When putting up a free-standing trellis, always provide a sturdy framework, and use sound posts securely fixed into the ground to ensure it doesn't collapse.