Bulbous Plants


Lift early-flowering bulbs that need to be moved and heel them in elsewhere in the garden to allow their leaves to die down. Any over-crowded clumps should be divided at this point.

Pot-grown bulbs may be planted in the open garden once their foliage has died down.

In mid to late-summer, plant autumn-flowering bulbs, such as autumn crocus (Colchicum) and autumn daffodil (Sternbergia). Autumn-flowering bulbs are dormant in summer, so bulbs already in place may be lifted, divided and replanted singly.

Water, and if necessary, feed, summer-flowering bulbs grown under cover or in containers. Deadhead any spent flowers, unless the seed is needed for propagation; these should be collected in late summer. Bulbils and bulblets may be removed from dormant bulbs and potted up. Lilies and other bulbs may be propagated by scaling or twin-scaling in late summer.