
Family: Rutaceae

Occurring naturally in eastern Australia, these 40 species of evergreen shrubs make attractive plants for warm temperate to subtropical gardens. Most have very fragrant foliage, the translucent dots on the leaves containing an aromatic oil. The starry flowers are similar to those of boronias and eriostemons to which Zieria is related. These plants are unlikely to be available outside their native Australia, and in frost-prone climates, would need to be grown in a cool greenhouse.


Z. arborescens is an attractive, spread­ing shrub to about 4 m (13 ft). The foliage is highly aromatic and makes a good background for the sprays of white, starry flowers.

Z. corn­pacta is a rounded shrub, growing to a height and width of around 1 m (3 ft), with clusters of white flowers. Z. cytisoides has gray, downy leaves and pink flowers.

Z. laevigata grows to 1 m (3 ft), with angular branches, glossy, green leaves, and white or pale pink flowers.

Z. smithii is a smooth-stemmed shrub with white flowers.


In the garden, grow in a very well-drained, sandy soil which is rich in humus. Choose a sunny position, although plants will take partial shade. Under glass, grow in pots of well-drained, soil-based potting compost, and ensure good light and an airy atmosphere. Propagate from seed as soon as ripe, or from semi-ripe cuttings in summer, with bottom heat for both.


Warmest parts of zone 9.

Zephyranthes      Zinnia