

From the Mediterranean region and South Africa, this genus consists of 80 species of cormous, herbaceous plants whose flowers bear some resemblance to those of Crocus.


R. bulbocodium, which is popularly known as satin flower, zone 8, from the Mediterranean, grows no more than 10 cm (4 in) and in spring produces trumpet-shaped, purple flowers, each with a yellow or white throat. It is a good rock-garden plant which will multiply rapidly if conditions are suitable.

R. rosea, zone 9, from South Africa, is considered a weed of turf in some warm countries, but is also a good garden plant, with its pretty pink or purple flowers.

R. sabulosa, zone 9, another South African native, grows to 10 cm (4 in) and bears red flowers, marked with pink and white, in late spring.


Grow in a rock garden, in a sunny position with well-drained soil. Plant the corms in autumn. Tender species are best grown in pots in a cool greenhouse or alpine house. Plant them in pots of gritty, soil-based potting compost. When the plants are dormant in summer they must be kept dry, but water normally when in growth. Propagate from seed in autumn under glass, or from offsets in summer or autumn.


There are species suited to various climatic zones.

Romneya      Rondeletia