
Family: Hypoxidaceae
Common Name: Rose Grass

Closely related to liypoxis, this genus consists of six species, only one of which is in widespread cultivation. All are native to the south-east corner of South Africa.


R. baurii is a small, tuberous, herbaceous perennial, with tufted, grassy foliage, to about 10 cm (4 in) long, covered with pale hairs. Masses of rose-coloured flowers with pale undersides appear during the summer. Varieties are available with white and pale pink to deep crimson flowers.


This is an ideal rock-garden plant in climates with only light or infrequent frosts. In more frosty climates, it is best grown in an alpine house. In the garden, it needs well-drained, lime-free soil containing plenty of humus, and a position in full sun. Protect from winter rain with a sheet of glass or cloche. Under glass, grow in pans of acid, gritty, soil-based potting compost with some leaf mould added. Provide maximum light and an airy atmosphere. Keep only slightly moist in winter. Propagate by division in autumn.


Zone 9.

Rhododendron      Rhodoleia