
Family: Polypodiaceae

The 75 species in this genus of ferns are found in many regions, with the greatest number originating in tropical America. Most are epiphytic, with creeping rhizomes. The fronds are variable and may be simple or pinnate, sometimes lobed, and upright or pendulous. There has been much discussion in classifying this genus, as species have often been included'in different genera by botanists. The most out-standing examples of the genus are some of the cultivars.


P. cambricum, southern polypody, zone 6, is a terrestrial fern, native to Britain and Europe. Fronds are divided with rather broad leaflets. This fern is suited to cooler climates or sheltered, cool areas of other regions.

P. formosanum, caterpillar or grub fern, zone 9, is an epiphytic fern from Japan, China and Taiwan. It has gray-green, creeping rhizomes and the long narrow fronds are pale green. Grown out-doors in warm climates, it needs greenhouse conditions in cool zones.

P. loriceum, caterpillar fern, zone 10, originates from the tropical Americas, Mexico and the West Indies. The greenish white rhizome creeps across the surface, the stems are short, and the thin, divided fronds are long, spreading and drooping. The narrow lobes taper at the tips and have wavy edges. The circular spore cases on the lobes bear masses of golden yellow spores. This beautiful fern is easy to grow and an excellent choice for a large basket.

P. vulgare, common polypody, zone 3, is native to Britain, Europe and Asia. It has long, divided fronds and is suitable for growing outdoors even in very cold climates.


Plant the hardy species on rock gar-dens or in shrub borders, in well-drained soil which contains plenty of humus. P. cambricum does best in alkaline soil. Provide partial shade or full sun and protection from winds. In frost-prone climates, the tender species are grown in a warm greenhouse or conservatory in pots of soilless potting compost. The easiest method of propagation is to divide established plants in spring. Alternatively, sow spores as soon as ripe.


There are species suited to various climatic zones.

Polygonum      Polyscias