
Family: Papilionaceae

There are around six species in this small genus of native Australian evergreen shrubs, grown for their attractive foliage and brightly coloured, pea-shaped flowers which appear in summer or autumn.


These are not readily available outside their native country.

P. alternifolium is a trailing, prostrate species with broad, soft leaves and bright yellow or red flowers.

P. formosum, handsome flat pea, is an upright shrub, to 1 m (3 ft), with heart-shaped leaves, yellow or red flowers, and a hairy calyx.

P. triangulare is also a prostrate grower, but it has triangular, ivy-shaped leaves. The yellow towers are borne in pairs and the calyces are hairy.


These easy-care plants will grow in any well-drained soil. propagate, pour boiling water over the hard, black seeds, produced in broad, flat seed pods, and leave them to soak overnight. Those that swell are fertile, and will germinate rapidly if planted in sandy soil. Once established, these plants tolerate dry conditions. Where frosts are a problem, grow in a cool, airy greenhouse or conservatory.


Zone 9.