
Family: Hydrangeaceae
Common Name: Mock Orange

There are about 60 species in this genus from North and Central America, eastern Europe and Asia. One of the most popular of the flowering shrubs, they have simple, ovate leaves and pretty, strongly scented, white or cream flowers. Many Philadelphus grown in gardens are hybrids and they flower mainly in early summer. They can be grown in mixed shrub borders, as specimens or as screening plants.


P. coronarius, zone 5, is an erect, rounded shrub, growing to a height and spread of about 3 m (10 ft). It has toothed, oval, bright green leaves and terminal sprays of cream flowers. This species needs a sheltered position. Cultivar 'Aureus' has bright yellow new growth.

P. delavayi, zone 6, from China, grows to 3 m (10 ft), with dense clusters of pure white flowers, in early summer.

P. x lemoinei, lemon mock orange, zone 5, is an erect shrub, to around 2 m (6 ft), with arching branches and downy leaves. Pure white, very fragrant flowers are freely produced in small clusters.

P. 'Manteau d'Hermine', zone 7, bears a profusion of scented, double cream flowers on smooth shoots.

P. mexicanus, Mexican mock orange, zone 9, to 4 m (13 ft) high, is suited to all but the coldest areas, requiring some shelter. It has very fragrant, solitary, cream flowers.

P. microphyllus, zone 6, grows to 1 m (3 ft) high, with small, snowy white flowers on leafy shoots. Its growth is compact and upright.

P. 'Virginal' is a very popular cultivar, growing to 3 m (10 ft) with clusters of fragrant, double, white flowers.


Easily grown, these shrubs prefer moist, well-drained soil and a sunny position. Prune immediately after flowering, by cutting out the flowered shoots back to the old wood. This will result in a profusion of blooms in the following summer. Remove very old canes from the base to allow for the growth of new, young canes. Propagate from softwood cuttings rooted with bottom heat, or from hardwood cuttings in winter, in a garden frame.


There are species suited to various climatic zones.

Phebalium      Philodendron