Pericallis x Hybrida

Synonyms: Senecio x hybridus
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Cinerana

Originally from the Canary Islands, this versa-tile hybrid group can be treated as annuals, biennials or perennials. However, plants treated as annuals and raised fresh from seed each autumn produce lovely single bloom, daisy-like flowers, with leaves gray-white underneath. They make a colourful display in a cool greenhouse or conservatory, or as house plants. They are grown to flower in the winter and spring.


P. x hybrida (Synonym: Senecio x hybridus) ranges in height from 20 to 90 cm (8-36 in).

Pericallis has a richness and brilliance of colour found in few other plants grown as annuals. The colour range includes every shade of blue, pink, red, purple, cerise, magenta and white. Ray florets are sometimes bi-coloured. The many cultivars include tall, semi-dwarf and dwarf. Most popular for pot plants are the dwarf cultivars. Most dwarf and semi-dwarf kinds have large flower heads.


To grow them as annual pot plants, sow seed in spring to early summer and germinate them at 18°C (64°F). Seedlings are potted on until in 12.5-15 cm (5-6 in) pots. Use soil-based potting compost. Ensure maximum light, but shade from direct sun. Do not overwater as they dislike very wet compost. Compost should be steadily moist. Liquid feed once a fortnight when in full growth. Lead-heading will ensure a longer flowering period. When flowering is over, the plants are discarded. Cinerarias are susceptible to several problems, including white fly, red spider mites, thrips and aphids. They may also be attacked by leaf miner, the species found on chrysanthemums.


Warmest parts of zone 9, but generally grown under glass.

Peperomia      Pernettya