
Family: Hyacinthaceae
Common Name: Grape Hyacinth

These 30 species of mainly spring-flowering, bulbous plants originate from the Mediterranean and south-western Asia. The spikes of small, rounded, bell-shaped flowers mostly range from sky blue to lavender blue, though they are occasionally seen in yellow. The foliage is rush-like. They look very decorative when mass planted in garden borders.


M. armeniacum, zone 4, grows to 25 cm (10 in) high, with deep violet flowers. Several cultivars are available.

M. azureum, zone 8, grows 15-20 cm (6-8 in) high, with tubular, bright blue flowers. Cultivar 'Album' has white flowers; 'Amphibolis' bears light blue flowers.

M. comosum, tassel hyacinth, zone 4, grows to 45 cm (18 in), with greenish brown flowers at the base of the stem and a profusion of smaller, purplish blue flowers above. Cultivar 'Plumosum', feather hyacinth, has feathered reddish purple flowers.

M. macrocarpum, zone 7, to 15 cm (6 in) high, has yellow flowers with purple lobes.

M. neglectum, zone 4, to 15 cm (6 in), has fragrant, dark blue flowers in dense spikes.


Plant the bulbs in a well-drained soil at summer's end or early in autumn. They grow in almost any position, but prefer semi-shade. They increase rapidly and should be lifted and replanted periodically to avoid overcrowding. Do not lift these bulbs until all the foliage has died down naturally.


There are species suited to various climatic zones.

Musa      Mushroom