
Passiflora quadrangularis
Family: Passifloraceae
Common Name: Passion flower

This tendril-climbing vine from Brazil is related to the passionfruit, but has larger fruit and may not produce so profusely. It is a vigorous, evergreen climber with fragrant, intricate, red, purple, pink and white flowers in summer and autumn. the greenish yellow, many-seeded fruit is eaten fresh or used to make soft drinks and jams.


Grow in an intermediate to warm greenhouse or conservatory in cool and cold climates, ideally in a soil border, alternatively in a large tub of soil-based potting compost. Shade from direct sun. Prune in early spring by cut­ting back lateral shoots to within four buds of the main woody stems and branches. Propagate from semi-ripe cuttings in summer.


Zone 10.

Gourd      Grape