
Family: Blechnaceae
Common Name: Rasp Fern

These small ferns with creeping rhizomes and upright fronds come from a diverse range of habitats in Australasia and the Pacific.


D. aspera, prickly rasp fern, is prolific in open temperate to tropical forests in eastern Australia. It has a short, creeping rhizome with black scales, creamish coloured stems, light green, upright fronds and serrated leaflets.

D. media, common rasp fern, native to eastern Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii, is a small, hardy fern which thrives in crevices and rock­eries. It has a short, creeping rhizome and coarse, upright fronds.


This is one of the easier ferns to raise. Propagate from spores. Carefully pot in a standard fern mixture and place in a sheltered and shaded spot. It is suitable for growing out-doors, particularly in rockeries. In frost-prone climates, tender species can be grown in a cool greenhouse.


Zone 9.

Dombeya      Doronicum