
Family: Sterculiaceae

This genus comprises over 200 species of orna­mental, evergreen trees and shrubs, predomi­nantly from Madagascar, though some origi­nate from Africa. They come from a range of habitats, including forest margins and open scrub, and are cultivated for their lovely white, pink or red flowers.


D. burgessiae, mostly a shrub of 2-4 m (6-12 ft), has clusters of white, rose-tinted flow­ers, similar to hydrangeas, and pointed, three-lobed, slightly hairy leaves, grayish green in colour.

D. tiliacea, sometimes known as Cape wedding flower, is an attractive species, fast-growing and slender when young, reaching 8 m (26 ft) when mature. Pendulous clusters of two to four white flowers, tinged pink and finely veined, are borne at the ends of main and side branches between summer and autumn.


In frosty climates, grow in a warm greenhouse or conservatory, in pots of soil-based potting compost. Provide bright light but shade from direct sun. Prune lightly after flow­ering to restrict growth. Outdoors grow in full sun or partial shade in well drained yet moist soil. Propagate from seed sown in spring at 21°C (70°F), or from semi-ripe cuttings rooted in a heated propagating case.


Zone 10.

Dolichos      Doodia