
Family: Dryopteridaceae

This genus of 20 species of terrestrial ferns is found from eastern Asia through to South Africa, and in Central and South America. One species in particular has become naturalized in many areas and is widely cultivated. These ferns generally have a heavily scaled, thick crown and pinnate, firm, dark green fronds, glossy on top, varying from erect to pendulous.


C. falcatum, holly fern, is the species most commonly grown in the UK. It has a short, creeping rhizome, oblong or lance-shaped fronds and glossy, dark green leaflets, paler in colour on the undersides, with a spiky, holly-like appearance. The stem is smothered with large, brown scales. Both of the available cultivars, 'Butterfieldii' and 'Rochfordianum', have more intricate leaflets than the species.


These hardy ferns can be grown under almost any conditions. Although they prefer shade, they can tolerate some sun, unlike many other ferns. Although frost-hardy, exposed fronds can be burnt. If this occurs, cut them back for they will grow again when the weather is warmer.


This genus is suited to growing in zone 9.

Cyrtanthus      Cytisus