
Family: Araliaceae
Common Name: South African Cabbage Tree

Valued chiefly for their handsome, lobed, pinnate leaves, this genus of evergreen shrubs and small trees originates from tropical and South Africa and the Mascarene Islands. A large cluster of greenish flower spikes protrudes above the canopy of this tree.


C. paniculata, cabbage tree, to 3-4.5 m (10-15 ft), has large, attractive, blueish green leaves, composed of up to 12 leaflets, each 30 cm (12 in) long. The long panicles of yellow flowers appear in late summer.

C. spicata, spiked cabbage tree, is the most widely cultivated species. It grows to 6 m (20 it), with fewer, shorter leaflets and greenish yellow flower spikes in autumn. Both of these species are available in the UK.


In frost-prone climates, grow as a pot or tub plant for its foliage, in an intermediate to warm greenhouse or conservatory. Outdoors, in the right climate, cussonias like a moist, loamy soil.


Zone 10 at least.