
Family: Bromeliaceae
Common Name: Earth Star

These dwarf plants from South America, mostly Brazil, are grown for their attractive rosettes of stiff, spiny-edged leaves which come in a variety of remarkable stripes and bandings. The insignificant white flowers are borne in a small cluster deep in the centre of the rosette.


C. acaulis has wavy-edged leaves in various shades of green. 'Ruber' has reddish leaves.

C. fosterianus has green, red and gray leaves, banded in brown.

C. zonatus, zebra plant, is so named because its foliage looks similar to the skin of a zebra. The greenish gray leaves are banded horizontally in ivory and brown. Leaves of the cultivar 'Zebrinus' are deep gray-green, banded transversely with white.


Cryptanthus is an excellent genus of terrestrial bromeliads for the warm greenhouse or conservatory, or for an indoor terrarium. They like warm, humid conditions with bright light, but shaded from direct sun, and grow well in an open, free-draining soilless potting compost. Propagate from rooted offsets in summer. Pot them up into small pots.


At least zone 10.

Crowea      Cryptomeria