
Family: Rosaceae
Common Name: Hawthorn

Native to temperate areas of Europe, Asia and North America, this large genus comprises about 200 species of smallish, deciduous trees or shrubs, usually with clusters of pretty, white blossoms, red fruits and brightly coloured autumn foliage. Most of the species have long, sharp thorns. They are popular ornamentals and street trees and are very attractive to birds. Traditionally they were used as hedges and living fences, tolerating very exposed sites.


C. crus-galli, cockspur thorn, is a very hardy, small, flat-topped tree to 10 m (33 ft). It has long, curving thorns and red fruits that persist well after the leaves turn red in autumn.

C. x lavallei, French hawthorn, is grown for its beautiful autumn colour. It has 5 cm (2 in) long thorns, glossy green leaves, partly serrated around the edges, and white flowers with red stamens. It grows to 6 m (20 ft).

C. laevigata, English hawthorn, is a small shrubby tree, native to Europe, which grows to 8 m (26 ft). It has produced many cultivars, including 'Paul's Scarlet' with double, crimson flowers. 'Plena' has double, white flowers; 'Rosea Flore Pleno' has double, pink flowers.

C. phaenopyrum, Washington thorn, is a striking tree, to 10 m (33 ft), with sharp thorns, maple-like leaves which turn scarlet and orange in autumn, small, crimson, persistent fruit and clusters of fragrant, white, midsummer flowers.


Hawthorns are very hardy trees, best suited to cool climates and open, sunny situations. Propagate from seed which may take 18 months to germinate. Ripe fruits or seeds should be stratified in sand outdoors, and allowed to weather. The seeds should be cleaned of flesh and skin, then sown normally. Cultivars must be grafted or budded on to seedling stocks. Fairly large specimens can be transplanted in winter. Crataegus are particularly suitable for shallow chalky soils, although they will flourish in any soil, provided it is well drained.


All of the species listed here are suited to zone 5.

Crassula      Cress