
Family: Lecythidaceae
Common Name: Cannon-bail Tree

Most of the species of this small genus of trees native to tropical America are rarely grown outside their countries of origin. One species from Guyana is cultivated, though mainly in botanic gardens and parks.


C. guianensis, the cannonball tree, is at least partly deciduous and may grow to over 35 m (115 ft). An extraordinary sight in flower, the tree trunk is decked with orange-scarlet to pink flowers with prominent and unusual, skewed stamens. The flowers exude a strong fragrance. The large brown fruits, the cannon balls, which follow the blooms, are arrayed up and down the tree trunk, too. The fruits are rather evil-smelling and represent a real hazard for passers-by as they can autumn without warning when they have ripened.


The canon-ball tree is rarely grown in North America, but it is sometimes planted in the warmest parts of Florida. Where it can be grown outdoors, it does best in well-drained soil, heavily enriched with organic matter, in full sun or partial shade. Propagate from seed.


Warmest parts of zone 10.

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