
Family: Verbenaceae

This small genus of climbing plants, native to Southeast Asia, is rarely seen in cultivation outside the tropics. One species is occasionally grown in large greenhouses, but this is mainly restricted to conservatories on large estates or botanic gardens.


C. tomentosa, or shower orchid, is an evergreen climber from Burma and Thailand, not related to orchids at all. From late winter to spring it produces sprays of white flowers backed by violet-purple to white bracts. The stems, leaves and bracts are covered with fine, downy hairs. This pine can grow 3-5 m (10-16 ft) in cultivation but more in its native state.


Grow in a warm greenhouse or conservatory in frost-prone climates. Use a soil-based potting compost. Provide maximum light but shade from direct sun. Provide supports for the stems. Prune after flowering to contain the plant. Outdoors, grow in moisture-retentive, fertile soil in full sun. Propagate from seed or semi-ripe cuttings and provide bottom heat for both.


Zone 10.

Comfrey      Conophytum