
Family: Anthericaceae

Native to Africa, these widely grown tropical plants, with an abundance of narrow, grass-like leaves, are grown as pot plants in frost-prone climates. They make very good house plants. They also make very good summer bedding plants, associating well with colourful flowering plants. They produce plantlets on long arching stems which take root easily when set in soil.


C. capense has plain green leaves to 60 cm (24 in) and small, white flowers. This species does not form plantlets.

C. comosum, popularly known as the spider plant, is the species most often grown, especially its cultivar 'Variegatum', with green and white-striped leaves. It produces an abundance of plantlets which follow the white flowers.


Grow in pots of soil-based potting compost in a cool or intermediate greenhouse or conservatory, in maximum light, but shade from direct sun. They take a lot of watering in summer, less in winter. Outdoors, they can be grown in sun or partial shade. Propagate from plantlets or by division.


Zone 10.

Chlidanthus      Chocho