
Castanea sativa
Family: Fagaceae

Chestnuts roasting is a fairly common sight in the streets of many European countries during winter. These sweet, edible nuts, about 25 mm (1 in) across, have a thin, brown shell and are enclosed in very prickly husks. C. sativa, Spanish or European chestnut, is a native of southern Europe, northern Africa and western Asia. It is a handsome tree with toothed leaves, valued both for timber and nuts. It reaches a height of 30 m (100 ft). In suitable climates, it is very long lived.


Chestnuts like a deep, well-drained, light, acid soil and full sun or partial shade. It is advisable to plant two or more trees of cultivars grown for their fruits to ensure that cross-pollination takes place.


Zone 6.

Chervil      Chilli