
Daucus carota subsp. sativus
Family: Apiaceae

First domesticated in Afghanistan, the carrot has been cultivated for around 2000 years. It is an herbaceous biennial but is grown as an annual. This popular root vegetable is delicious both raw and cooked, and is also very nutritious as it contains sugar, mineral salts, vitamins and carotene.


Refer to seed catalogues for varieties available in your area. They are grouped according to time of maturity and shape and size of root. Early carrots have small, cylindrical roots; mid-season varieties are medium-sized with longer, cylindrical roots; maincrop carrots have medium-sized, broadly conical roots; and late varieties have very large, cylindrical roots. The last two are the best ones for storing.


Carrots like a sunny position and prefer light or sandy soils which are nevertheless reasonably fertile but with a low nitrogen content. Do not grow in freshly manured soil as it causes deformed roots. The soil pH should ideally be 6-6.5. Successive sowings can be made for a long supply of roots. Carrots take from nine to twelve weeks to mature, but immature roots can be pulled for use as 'baby carrots'. Always sow in cropping positions as carrots dislike being transplanted. Start sowing in spring but wait until the soil temperature exceeds 7°C (19°F). Early in the season, carrots can be sown under cloches, which help to warm the soil. Sow seeds 1 cm (½ in) deep in rows 15 cm (6 in) apart. Thin out to 4-8 cm (1½-3 in), depending on size. Carrot fly maggots can be a serious problem. To overcome this, surround the crop with a 90 cm (36 in) high screen of very fine mesh or plastic sheeting. Alternatively, sow seeds during early summer, at which time the flies' activities have ceased. If possible choose resistant varieties. Keep carrots well watered during dry weather. Maincrop and late varieties can be stored in moist sand in a cool dry place for use during the winter.


Carrots are grown in all climates as a spring and summer annual, but in areas with severe winters do not leave roots in the ground over winter - lift and store in autumn.

Carpobrotus      Carya